Is Management Consulting for you?
Learn detailed pros and cons of a management consulting job to make your decision!
Video: Welcome!
Video: Intro
Quiz: Typical misconceptions about strategy consulting
Video: Top-10 reasons to join consulting
Survey: Let's check in!
Quiz: Advantages
Why consulting?
Video: Reasons NOT go into consulting
Survey: Let's check in!
Quiz: Disadvantages
Quiz: Connecting the dots
Why NOT consulting?
Pulse check
Video: Intro
Survey: How do you usually solve problems?
Video: Problem-solving skills
Quiz: Problem-solving skills
Survey: Are you a team leader?
Video: Team Leadership
Quiz: Team Leadership
Survey: How entrepreneurial are you?
Video: Entrepreneurial Spirit
Quiz: Entrepreneurial Spirit
Video: Impact
Quiz: Impact
Video: Real consulting project
Survey: Let's check in!
Why you?